jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Inspiración semanal: Soledad

Solitude sometimes is the place that I would like to live

Solitude sometimes is when nothing really seems to fit

Solitude sometimes is life that no longer exists

Solitude sometimes is when there's nothing left to give

Drop your bombs on all I see
Leave this world alone for me
The thing I need to hide behind
It reigns beneath my holy skies

If black were truly black not grey
It might provide some depth to pray
To black out all the worlds of men
And demons too, but not even then
Solitude sometimes is
Solitude sometimes is...


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ah...venga, cosas tristes no, aunque no sé porqué pegan. Hoy ha sido la última juntos hasta la próxima, pero una más de la que esperaba.

Marcos dijo...

Inspiración semanal es...

donde la basura deviene musa y la musa basura


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