domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Evan Scott Perry. Suicide Note.

Six things to die for:
  1. Fear of failing
  2. Lack of trust in friends
  3. Working hard for what?
  4. Never being able to fit in
  5. Knowing all the bad things are true, being lazy, loser, ugly, untalented, and stupid
  6. What’s the point?
Six Things to live for:
  1. Potential of being something
  2. Love of people I trust
  3. The future
  4. Finding trusting friends
  5. Sadness brought to family
  6. Feeling better later
So, 6 things to live for and 6 things to die for.

Things I want:
  • York Prep to never know why and how I died
  • To be forgotten
  • Only family is invited to funeral
  • And finally for everyone to move on and know I am sorry but this is for the best.

A film about Evan: Boy Interrupted.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Your Body is a Weapon

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Promised Land

La ladrona de libros (película)


jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Dusty Springfield

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Drive (película) - Escena Oh My Love

Inspiración semanal es...

donde la basura deviene musa y la musa basura


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