martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Inspiración semanal: The Message Of An Ill Wind

Our unsleepable friend
Gets the message on an ill wind
All your friends and your foes
Would rather die than have to touch you
To say the least: Im truly disappointed

Truly, truly, truly, oh...
Drank too much
And I said too much
And theres nowhere to go - but down

Young boy - I wanna help you
See these lines ? : truly disappointed

Truly, truly, truly, oh...
Dont talk to me, no
About people who are nice
cause I have spent my whole life
In ruins
Because of people who are nice
Oh, this world may lack style, I know
Each bud must blossom and grow, oh...

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Inspiración semanal es...

donde la basura deviene musa y la musa basura


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